Wednesday, January 21, 2009

1st Night in the Lab: Huge Success!

Thank you to all those who showed up to the Lab last night, and a HUGE thank you to Dusty!

For those of you who just couldn't quite make it, WOW you missed out!, The likes of Lindsy, Ivy, Dan, Elliott, Jeff, Myself, Matt, JB, Jeremy, Rollo, And the Slivka's were all trying to outdo their neighbor under the wrath of Dusty. Its got me more jazzed then ever before! Lets get the word around today and make thursday an even bigger event! 

I really couldn't be happier with how this team is coming together. Pat yourselves on the back Grizzlies! 

Attendance goal for thursday: 15


Anonymous said...

As a part of passing the word around, care to share the 411 on thursdays ride. time? place?


Bryce Daviess said...

7:00 in Ruby's lab... feel free to come Josh!